
Welcome to SLOMA’s online Press Room. Accredited members of the media may view and download press kits and images for the Museum’s exhibitions and programs.

The images on this site may be used only for non-commercial editorial press purposes in conjunction with SLOMA’s current exhibitions, programs, collection, and news announcements.

Images must be reproduced with notice of attribution, and the party reproducing the images may not distort, mutilate, or otherwise modify the images. Any other use of these images requires the Museum’s express written permission. Questions? Contact us!

Press Release: Esteban Cabeza de Baca: Memories of the Future

An abstract painting depicting people dancing in a southwest sunset

Press Release: Julie Alpert: Strange Magic

An art installation featuring intensely bright colors and patterns from floor to ceiling

Press Release: Whitney Bedford: The Window

Painting depicting an abstract provincial landscape with a contrasting neon bright tree in the foreground

SLOMA awarded two IMLS grants

Institute of Museum and Library Services logo

Whose Waters? exhibition Press Release

Two men ride a wave on surfboards, their hands touching

Princess @1 min world performance presented by SLOMA and Hotel SLO

A video still image showing a man in a red shirt with ripples in the air near his face. Title in pink: Princess @ 1min world"

Press Release for Adam Parker Smith: For The Time Being

Adam Parker Smith artwork. A sculpture depicting a metallic balloon with "Forever Yours" on the front, encased in a clear resin cube

SLOMA welcomes two new board members

Red SLOMA logo

“Fast Times at SLOMA” – LA Weekly

Detail of "SLO(W) Rainbow" by Leah Rosenberg, SLOMA's 2023 mural project. Closeup of the creekside wall with squares filled with different patterns and colors

“Central CA City rolls out the welcome mat for LGBTQs”

Close up image of Maria Molteni's mural in downtown SLO. Quilt-like patterns of semi-circles falling down before a minimalistic water background. Geometric mountains with braids of lava, symbolizing the seven sisters of SLO. Seven stars in quilt-like patterns representing the Pleiades are above the mountain peaks. The artist, wearing a purple polka dot blouse and sunglasses, stands before the mural.

SLOMA receives grant funding for April Banks collaboration and Second Saturdays events

A gold-colored staircase leads to a tree. Engraved on some of the stair risers: "The future will be here when every stoop is a throne."

SLOMA awarded an Our Town grant from the National Endowment for the Arts

National Endowment for the Arts logo

Press Release for Anila Quayyum Agha: Liminal Space

Anila presser image

SLOMA awarded a Creative Youth Development grant from the California Arts Council

Logo for the California Arts Council, a state agency

Funding for Cultural Arts District Boosted by grant made in honor of Ken and Martha Schwartz

(L to R) Chuck Crotser, Mayor Erica A. Stewart, John Dunn, Pierre Rademaker, City Manager Derek Johnson, Kevin Harris, Leann Standish and Heidi McPherson stand next to each other in front of the Community Foundation SLO County building

SLOMA among 2023 SLO County Family-Friendly Workplaces Awardees

SLO Chamber of Commerce logo

Press release for David by Adam Parker Smith, a public art installation

"David" by Adam Parker Smith. A classical marble sculpture is seemingly squished into a 3x3 foot cube

Press release for Marela Zacarías: Storytelling

Press release for SLOMA’s 2023 mural project, SLO(W) Rainbow, by artist Leah Rosenberg

An example of Leah Rosenberg's art: colorful lines run parallel at a 45 degree downward angle, curving around a corner

SLOMA awarded a grant from the Community Foundation of San Luis Obispo County

Logo for The Community Foundation of San Luis Obispo County

SLOMA awarded an Arts Education Exposure grant from the California Arts Council

Logo for the California Arts Council, a state agency

Press Release for the exhibition Dirty Laundry

An art installation by Chilean-American artist Minga Opazo. A cross section of grass and soil is interwoven with layers of textile waste

Press Release for the exhibition Home/Work

Press release for Home/Work

Press Release for the exhibition Alyssa Monks: Be Perfectly Still

SLOMA awarded a grant from the Janssen Youth & Youth Sports Fund

Logo for The Community Foundation of San Luis Obispo County

SLOMA was awarded an Impact Projects grant from the CA Arts Council

"We're a part of our State of the Arts 2022 Cycle A Grantee from the California Arts Council

SLOMA announces new Board Members for 2022-2023

New Board Members

Press Release for the exhibition Camille Hoffman: See and Missed

"Riptide" by Camille Hoffman, Mixed media depicting seaside images and incorporating a sculptural element

KSBY article announcing SLOMA’s relaunched school tour program

A group of 2nd graders, shown from behind, listen to SLOMA's Chief Curator on a school tour of Faig Ahmed's exhibition

Press Release for the Gray Wing exhibition Faig Ahmed: Collision

Press Release for "Faig Ahmed: Collision"

Press images for Faig Ahmed: Collision, courtesy Heraldo Creative Studio

Picture of the Gray Wing at SLOMA with Faig Ahmed's textiles installed

Press Release for SLOMA’s 2022 Mural Project: Calafia Was Here

SLOMA awarded Challenge Grant from the National Endowment for the Arts

National Endowment for the Arts logo

Press Release for Marrin Lee Martinez: Touchy Touchy

Marrin Lee Martinez: "See Anemone" soft sculpture. A series of quilted purple concentric circles with bright green "tentacles" emanating from the perimeter

Press Release for William Brickel: I’d Tell You If I Could

Media Alert: new mural by Maria Molteni in downtown SLO

Close up image of Maria Molteni's in-progress mural in downtown SLO. Quilt-like patterns of semi-circles falling down before a minimalistic water background. Geometric mountains with braids of lava, symbolizing the seven sisters of SLO

SLOMA awarded BUILD Grant from the Community Foundation

Logo for The Community Foundation of San Luis Obispo County

Media Alert: installation of large-scale sculpture on SLOMA lawn

Press Release for Mark di Suvero: History and its Shadow

The Tribune tells the history of how SLO got an art museum

Archival black & white photo of SLOMA's building in 1968

Press Release for Atmospheres Deep, on view May 29–Aug 1, 2021

SLOMA’s new 2nd Saturdays program and Gallery on the Go

"Gallery on the Go" written over a striped background

Announcing new staff and board members: May 2021

painting of red flower on striped white/orange/white/pink background. "welcome!" in white letters in foreground

SLOMA’s acceptance into AAM’s Museum Assessment Program!

Plaza Pop-Ups launches with Laurie Shapiro’s Through The Flowers