your donation makes a difference

It’s Easy

Choose any amount you like with SLOMA’s secure online donation form
Act now and know that your gift makes a difference in growing and sustaining SLOMA’s exhibition program and events while keeping admission free for all visitors.

Donate through PayPal or Venmo
Supporting SLOMA is easy with your preferred payment app!

Employee Match Programs
Employee match programs are a benefit that companies offer to encourage and reward giving among their staff. Many companies will match an employee’s gift, doubling the positive impact of your donation.

Not sure if your employer or a potential employer offers a charitable match? Utilize the search tool or ask your employer. 

Gifts of Stock
Seamlessly donate to SLOMA through a Broker Transfer, Direct Transfer, or Certificate Transfer.

planned giving and bequests

Ask your fund advisor about Qualified Charitable Donations and Donor-Advised Funds that can create a lasting benefit to our community while also decreasing your tax exposure.

We hope you’ll consider the San Luis Obispo Museum of Art in your estate planning. Your bequest can help the San Luis Obispo Museum of Art continue its vital role in providing cultural education to our community for generations to come. Your legacy gift, large or small, can have a big impact.

Contact SLOMA at 805-543-8562 or email the Museum for information or if you intend to include SLOMA in your estate plan. You can also write the San Luis Obispo Museum of Art at 1010 Broad Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401.

business sponsors

The San Luis Obispo Museum of Art wants to partner with you in a way that meets your unique business needs. A sponsorship of SLOMA’s exhibitions and public programs, either in cash or in-kind services, gives your clients and employees exclusive access to SLOMA’s exhibitions, special events, and facilities. Invest in your business and in your community at the same time!

Contact SLOMA’s Executive Director for upcoming exposure opportunities for your business.


2024 guidestar platinum seal of transparency

The San Luis Obispo Museum of Art is dedicated to transparency. Each year, Candid, the world’s largest source of nonprofit information, issues their seals of transparency to registered nonprofits to demonstrate their financial health and operational policies for potential donors. For more financial and operational information about SLOMA, visit our public profile on Candid’s GuideStar website.