Home: It is shelter, security, belonging, a connection with a past through generations, common ground with friends and family. What is it like when home is elsewhere and there is no possibility of return? Without connections to community, culture and family, what is our sense of who we are in the world?
As the California climate continues to change, and the rates of wildfires rise, we are challenged to deeply consider our relationships with the places we inhabit. If our homes are destroyed, should we rebuild? If our homes survive, what are the risks to returning to a danger zone? Is anywhere or anyone truly safe from the devastating effects of climate change? In the sculptures on display in Returning Home, Lindseth explores these questions through miniature houses mounted on top of metal armatures.
After evacuating from the California lightning fires in August 2020, and witnessing close friends lose their own houses, Lindseth began considering the implications of where she chose to live – the vulnerability of living in a high-risk area, and the reluctance people feel towards relocation after experiencing a natural disaster. Lindseth’s houses, symbolizing both loss and hope, suggest an alternate reality as safe havens from disaster. Their lights and music serve as beacons, welcoming those in their vicinity to safety.
About the Artist
Kristin Lindseth is an internationally exhibiting sculptor, printmaker and educator. Her sculptures are all cast bronze figurative and symbolic works, and are each one of a kind. She has done her own casting for the past twenty years which allows for freedom to experiment. She lives and works in the south bay area, and her work has been represented in over 100 exhibitions regionally, nationally and internationally. Her sculptures and intaglio printmaking are included in private collection in Sweden, Germany Spain, France, England, and Greece.