Printmaking is a medium with deep roots and a history or ritual and protocol. The act of printmaking itself is intimate, from the laborious processes such as woodcarving, acid etching, and meticulous ink application, to the revealing of an image from a plate. These processes too are experimental and infinitely varied, with no two printmakers working in quite the same way. Similarly, portraiture has an individualistic, intimate, and vulnerable nature to it — whether it be sitting for a portrait, allowing another to capture your image, or putting your own self-image into the world for others to see. Creating and appreciating portraits serves as an opportunity to explore intimate connections, not only with ourselves, but with those around.
Participating artists include Cheryl Barton-Petrie, Patricia Bromberger, Barbara Rosenthal, Rosey Rosenthal, Patricia Martin, Nixson Borah, Paul La Riviere, Evy Justesen, Maryanne Nucci, Tricia Reichert, Susan Lyon, Kathy Madonna, and Helen K Davie.