Brightly colored painting depicting a group of people, on foot and on horseback, marching along a farm road with banners
Friday, Feb 21 from 6–8 PM

SLOMA members and their guests are invited to the preview for SLOMA’s next Gray Wing exhibition: Esteban Cabeza de Baca: Memories of the Future. Tour the exhibition before the general public, meet the artist, and enjoy music and wine in the galleries. Remarks in the Gray Wing at 6:30 PM. Please check in at the Mission Plaza double doors.

Please RSVP via the form below by Wednesday, February 19.

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Esteban Cabeza de Baca: Memories of the Future
is presented by

Cal Poly logo
Cal Poly Office of University Diversity and Inclusion logo
PG&E logo

Sue Sacks and Kelly Sinnock

Additional support from these generous sponsors

Hotel SLO Logo in red

Wine for this event is provided by

La Lomita Wines logo

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